The Council has a Fund Rules, known as "The Jowai Autonomous District Fund Rules, 1967". Under the Fund Rules the Council has a District Fund to Which all money receipts shall be credited. All money transaction shall be according to the Fund Rules. The Department deals with all financial transactions including receipts, payments, pensions, Audit and budget. The Department has the following officer
(1) One Finance and Account Officer,
(2) One Assistant Finance and Account Officer,
(3) One Account Consultant on contract basis and
(4)One Examiner of Account (vacant) on contract basis and 41 staff. The Department has also one Committee called 'The Resources Mobilization Committee' with one Chairman, one Vice Chairman, four members and 8 staff. The total numbers of employees in the Department are 5 excluding the Chairman, the Vice-Chairman and members of the Resources Mobilization Committee.