The Department deals with general administration and also includes a Rules Advisory Committee, whose Chairman and members are appointed from among the experience persons and having 'legal knowledge to examine the existing Acts, Rules and Regulations and also to, frame/draft new ones.
The Department has 7. numbers of officers who look after and supervise the general administration and all other affairs of officers of different Departments in the Council viz.
(1) One Secretary, Executive Committee,
(2) One Joint Secretary, Executive Committee,
(3) One Deputy Secretary, Executive Committee,
(4) One Under Secretary, Executive Committee,
(5) One System Engineer,
(6) One Principal Secretary (on contract basis) and
(7) One Law Officer (on contract basis). Then one Chairman and one Vice-Chairman of the Rules Advisory Committee, and 176 staff which include all regular and casual employees. The total numbers of employees in the Department are 183 excluding the Chairman and the Vice-Chairman Rules Advisory Committee and members of the Executive Committee.