The Department deals with the administration of land. In the administration of land, the Council has the following Regulations
(1) The J.H.A.D (management and control over land and Assessment and collection of Revenue) Regulation, 1968,
(2) The J.H.A.D (management and control over land and Assessment and collection of Revenue) (Amendment) Regulation, 1971 ,
(3) The J.H.A.D (management and control over land and Assessment and collection of Revenue) (Second Amendment) Regulation, 1974 and
(4) The J.H.A.D (management and control over land and Assessment and collection of Revenue) (Third Amendment)Regulation, 1985. The Department has 3 Officers (1) One Revenue Officer and (2) Two Assistant Revenue Officer with 166 staff. The Department also has two Committee (1) Housing Committee, (2) Land Revenue and Land Reform Committee, with Chairman and Vice-Chairman and 4 non - Official members for each Committee. The total numbers of employees in the Department is 169 excluding Chairman, Vice-Chairman and non-official members.